Yes I know it is the middle of winter, that is exactly what I told Johnny and the kids when they came running to asking to go get water balloons. I searched all over Walmart and finally found some with the birthday stuff. I got home and we started the games. First I filled up 4 each for Johnny and Cole and they stood back to back with their balloons at the other end of the yard. They had to race back to their balloons and then attack. It was pretty uneventful because the balloons would just bounce off their bodies and break on the ground. I decided if I made them bigger they would be weaker and break easier. Johnny also had his own plans and just broke the balloon on top of Coles head by squeezing it. Cole didnt think it was as funny as we did so Johnny said Cole could break one on his head. Cole didnt listen to our advise and threw the balloon which of course just bounced off Johnny's head and broke on the ground.

Madison has been having fun painting while she waits for Cole to get home from school. Johnny found some water color paints while he was cleaning out Cole's room. She was doing pretty well painting but then she just wanted to play with the colors in the water. We are trying to incorporate fun with learning and had fun going over all the colors while she was painting. She gets so proud of herself when shes right, its so cute! Shes getting so big and so smart!

She really has been tiring us out. I love this picture of when Johnny was laying down with her to get her to fall asleep and he ended up passing out next to her!

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