Monday, January 5, 2009

Hooray for an Interview!!

Johnny's phone died last night and he didnt realize until late today. When he plugged it in, there was a message from West Services wanting to schedual an interview. This company is a lot like labor ready. People come there looking for work and they send them out where needed. This company works directly with the potash mines only. Johnny also had given a resume to the company that works with the oil fields and that is where he would prefer to work. Tomorrow we are going to go around to a few more companies and give them resumes and see what they have to say before Johnny scheduals the interview. The mines would be temporary work and while that is better than nothing we want to make it a last resort. So we will see what tomorrow brings us.
Today it was SOOOOOOOO COLD!!! It was supposed to snow. It was 30 degrees but no snow. Its supposed to be cold all week so we are still hoping to see some. We tried to stay inside warm all day but Madison is getting used to going outside everyday ao we had to wander out into the cold. They rode bikes and jumped on the trampoline and then we ran inside because it was way too cold!
Tomorrow we once again start the job hunt and will atleast have a interview if not a job!!! Wish us luck!

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