Today I made my first casserole from leftover ham. I feel like such an adult recycling food into other meals! I cant believe how much this move has made me feel like a grown up! First we picked up the Uhaul and packed most of our stuff in it with only the help of my brother. We cheated on day two when Bruce came to help, but still. Then we drove two days, checking into a hotel on our own, and arriving at our new home. We also got our first storage unit and unloaded the truck by ourselves. That was a big reason we came out here, to grow up! We depended on Johnny's parents for so much and although we loved and appreciated it, it was time we both became responsible adults. Im glad at least one thing is going well for us out here but I guess real adults have jobs...hahaha...soon I hope!

Madison also put together her first puzzle. Its so cute how proud she gets with the simple,"Wow, Maddy, thats so good!" response. She has been sleeping in her own bed for the past 3 nights now but wakes up in the early morning crying for us. Which usually leads to me passing out to her crying before she finally falls back asleep in our bed. At least we have most the night, one day we will have the entire night Maddy free, but secretly I miss snuggling her when shes in her own bed. Last night was cute though, for the first time she didnt wake up crying. She just said,"Daddy...Madison sleep in mommy daddy bed....Pweeeze."
Cole is staying the night at his friends house tonight and my mom is going to bed early because she has to work tomorrow. Hope your night is more exciting then mine!
I feel like an adult now that I have to rake the leaves in my front yard!