Madison gets funnier and funnier everyday! I got some candy because we were thinking about going to the drive in to see a movie. She found the box of Reeses Pieces in my purse and grabbed it while I wasnt looking. When I looked at her she was pretending to be interested in what we are doing but behind her she was trying to open the box of candy. It was so obvious that she was trying to sneak it but it

We have been taking her to the park everyday to play and feed the ducks. It was so crazy yesterday, we were feeding the ducks at the "beach" and after a little while about 20 or more fish started swimming up to eat too. They were HUGE! It was crazy! Too bad you arent allowed to fish there, you could practically reach out and grab one of them! Johnny has also been taking Madison and Cole on walks while I make dinner. Madison holds the flashlight so they can see better, they dont have nice streetlights all over like they do at home. We really have been enjoying all the time we have been able to spend together!

I cant believe how smart she is either! I made this game to play with Cole with letters spread out on the floor, we asked Madison where the a was and she grabbed it, then she picked up an O and said "Look the letter O!"
Speaking of the game, I need help! I have been assigned as Cole's hw helper and it is just impossible! Johnny and I have come to the conclusion he had ADHD. He just will not sit down and do his his spelling words. It drives me insane!!!! I tried to make a game out of it. I made flashcards with all the letters from the spelling words so if he spelled all of the words correctly he would use up all the cards. If he misspelled one he wouldnt have the letters he needed. Needless to say he ended up pouting on the floor as you can see. Does anyone have any ideas how I can help him!! I test him and make him write his words everyday and then come test day he fails! I dont want to give up on him but Im loosing patience!
Anyways LOST starts in 15 minutes!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!
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