Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today's a Day When...

I just really wish I was back home!

1 comment:

  1. Hey L.J.,
    I enjoyed your blog and it's fun to see where you're at in the move to N.M. It's really tough for the first year or so to adjust, especially when your go from a big city like San Diego to a small po-dunk like Carlsbad. But it can be a great move for raising kids without all the hoopla a big city adds to the mix. Kids learn to appreciate the small things because they're not bombarded by everything the big city tries to win them over with to get their parents to spend their money on, only to be bored with it ten minutes later! I think it's harder for the parents to slow down and find the value of small town living. But it is easier to adjust when you have your kids' interest in mind. I hope Johnny finds a job so he can be the bread winner like most traditional families and then you can get something later, maybe even parttime. It would be really useful for Maddy to be in a daycare situation, she could really realize her potential and grow in that type of invironment.
    Well, thanks for inviting us to you blog sight. I hope everything works out well for you all, wherever you decide to live.
    Love you all,
    Auntie R
