So I have turned my kid into a liar. We have been struggling with potty training for too long now! Shes will go all day long as long as shes naked, once you put pants on she forgets everything and pees her pants! Its driving me insane! So I decided to try what my mom did with me, everytime she goes on the potty she gets some M&Ms. Shes so excited everytime she has to pee...but now she fakes it! Pretty much every 5 minutes she runs out telling us she has to pee, we put her on the potty and she jumps off 2 seconds later asking for candy. We got her to realize that she has to actually go potty before she gets candy and she even took off her diaper after her nap to tell us she had to go. We thought we were in the clear but then we had to get her dressed to go to the store....needless to say problem not solved!! UGH!!!!
The best part of my day happened this afternoon. This morning Johnny found a how to break dance video my mom had bought my brother. We laughed and I thought nothing more of it. When I left to give Madison a bath and came back I caught Johnny watching the video, trying to break dance. That is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen!!

We spent the rest of the night watching the Chargers game...Yay Chargers!!!!
Keep them coming Lacy.