Madison cracks me up constantly! She keeps going around saying,"I want milk but not peanut butter milk." I had no idea what she was talking about and then Johnny told me she was talking about the buttermilk I had gotten for the dumplings. She thinks its peanut butter milk! Also today Madison was upset that Cole had to go to school so Johnny told her they could have school time. Her response, "
Im sick then." Oh great, she already doesn't like school! Not only that but now what we ask her to do something she
says,"" and then walks away. Then yesterday she wanted something and I told her to hold on because I was doing something and she started counting to 3 like I do with her! She can be sweet too. Shes always offering food to Cole and inviting him to do things with her. Shes just so incredibly beautiful and sweet. I love when she says "O'
Otay" and "
thats amasing." Kids really say the
darndest things! Thinking about how funny Madison is today really made me thing of her little friend Benny. I miss him! He really cracks me up!! I still cant turn on an oven without hearing his little voice saying,"It
buurn you, it
KIIILL you!" or "I have idea." Uh oh am I getting baby fever again???
Dont freak out Lynne,
haha it wont be happening anytime soon, we are smarter than that!!

I also really think having Cole around is really good for Madison. He talks to her exactly how he would talk to anyone else and amazingly she really seems to understand most of what hes saying to her. Her talking has really stepped up a couple notches and I think it has a lot to do with Cole. Its really good for her to have someone to play with and hang out with all the time.
Another night of American Idol and I have to be honest...I wish David tried out!!!
why do I need to try out for American Idol?