Yes, that is just for you Bethany! Im bored out of my mind waiting for Johnny to get home from another long day of work so I thought I would write a blog. Johnny has been working all week cart attending at Walmart. He says its pretty easy but is really tiring. He thinks he is working too hard and he needs to slow down a bit because its taking a lot out of him. The other guys he works with are bigger slackers and he gets frustrated because a few times hes gone in to work and most the carts are spread all over the parking lot and then the guy who was supposed to be keeping up with it goes on lunch and leaves Johnny to clean it all up. Now we found out that he has to work tomorrow too so that makes 6 days in a row and Johnny was really looking forward to the weekend off.
It has been very different without Johnny around. Im trying to be the good little homemaker but it hasnt been as easy as Id hoped. Here is my day:
7: wake up with Madison
9: Shower and get us dressed for the day
10: Get Johnny up and make breakfast
1:take Johnny to work (I need the car)
3:Pick Cole up from school and start hw
4:take Cole to tutoring
5:pick up Cole and get Johnny for his lunch
530:start dinner
6:Take Johnny back to work
7:Bathe the kids
8:Kids in bed and try and clean
10:Pick up Johnny
1015:Pass out
Its very exciting I know and youd be surprised how much energy it takes to get everyone in and out of the car a million times a day! Oh well, I know Johnny is working way harder than I am so cant complain too much.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Who Needs Snowballs When You Have Water Balloons!

Yes I know it is the middle of winter, that is exactly what I told Johnny and the kids when they came running to asking to go get water balloons. I searched all over Walmart and finally found some with the birthday stuff. I got home and we started the games. First I filled up 4 each for Johnny and Cole and they stood back to back with their balloons at the other end of the yard. They had to race back to their balloons and then attack. It was pretty uneventful because the balloons would just bounce off their bodies and break on the ground. I decided if I made them bigger they would be weaker and break easier. Johnny also had his own plans and just broke the balloon on top of Coles head by squeezing it. Cole didnt think it was as funny as we did so Johnny said Cole could break one on his head. Cole didnt listen to our advise and threw the balloon which of course just bounced off Johnny's head and broke on the ground.

Madison has been having fun painting while she waits for Cole to get home from school. Johnny found some water color paints while he was cleaning out Cole's room. She was doing pretty well painting but then she just wanted to play with the colors in the water. We are trying to incorporate fun with learning and had fun going over all the colors while she was painting. She gets so proud of herself when shes right, its so cute! Shes getting so big and so smart!

She really has been tiring us out. I love this picture of when Johnny was laying down with her to get her to fall asleep and he ended up passing out next to her!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
My Husband Works at Walmart!
Well, as long as the background check and drug test passes, and it better! haha! Its not the high paying job we thought we would be getting but its something! Johnny probably wont be starting until next weekend and Ive started putting out more resumes and turning in applications. As much as Id love to make enough money at Walmart it just isnt very promising!
Anyways, Johnny Im proud of you and thank you for doing what you can to support us! Love you Babe!!
Anyways, Johnny Im proud of you and thank you for doing what you can to support us! Love you Babe!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Its Been a Couple Days

Madison gets funnier and funnier everyday! I got some candy because we were thinking about going to the drive in to see a movie. She found the box of Reeses Pieces in my purse and grabbed it while I wasnt looking. When I looked at her she was pretending to be interested in what we are doing but behind her she was trying to open the box of candy. It was so obvious that she was trying to sneak it but it

We have been taking her to the park everyday to play and feed the ducks. It was so crazy yesterday, we were feeding the ducks at the "beach" and after a little while about 20 or more fish started swimming up to eat too. They were HUGE! It was crazy! Too bad you arent allowed to fish there, you could practically reach out and grab one of them! Johnny has also been taking Madison and Cole on walks while I make dinner. Madison holds the flashlight so they can see better, they dont have nice streetlights all over like they do at home. We really have been enjoying all the time we have been able to spend together!

I cant believe how smart she is either! I made this game to play with Cole with letters spread out on the floor, we asked Madison where the a was and she grabbed it, then she picked up an O and said "Look the letter O!"
Speaking of the game, I need help! I have been assigned as Cole's hw helper and it is just impossible! Johnny and I have come to the conclusion he had ADHD. He just will not sit down and do his his spelling words. It drives me insane!!!! I tried to make a game out of it. I made flashcards with all the letters from the spelling words so if he spelled all of the words correctly he would use up all the cards. If he misspelled one he wouldnt have the letters he needed. Needless to say he ended up pouting on the floor as you can see. Does anyone have any ideas how I can help him!! I test him and make him write his words everyday and then come test day he fails! I dont want to give up on him but Im loosing patience!
Anyways LOST starts in 15 minutes!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
28 Days Missing
Today has been 4 weeks since we have left California. All day today I kept thinking of all the things we've missed:
- At least 4 play dates with Hannah and Benny
- 3 trips to Disneyland, probably more
- 8 Dinners with Mom and Dad (4 homemade and 4 from IHop, maybe Daltons)
- 6 or more shopping trips with Jessica (I need to go to Target and Im waiting for when your out here btw)
- 1 pedicure with Britney
- 3 Dinners with Pete, Tiffany, Kylie and Ashton
- David's birthday
- A night at the Mission Inn with horse and carriage ride
- David and Bethany's new house
- Alien chit chat with Delaney
- Festival of Lights at the Wild Animal Park
- Sea World
But mostly YOU!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
A Walk in the Park

We had a pretty lazy morning slowly crawling out of bed. Finally we got down to business and got ready to go out but only after Jonathan read about sluggers being lazier than pigs on vacation in the Bible.
When we were finally ready Madison didnt want to leave so we told her we could go feed ducks at the river. We drove to our playground first, but saw all the ducks on the other side of the river. We got ourselves lost trying to find another way back over but finally ended up at another park. We fed the 3 ducks we could find and then played on the playground for a while.
I thought we would be able to find more ducks at the "beach" so we headed over. There werent any ducks but plenty of sea gulls. The beach is this little section of the river where you can rent paddle boats and go swimming. It even has a little sand area to play in. It will be a lot more fun in the summer! We ventured out to the caverns but it was too late to go inside.
Johnny applied at Wal Mart and passed their assessment test, he was a little too excited about that, hah! My mom also told us that a dental office was really swamped and might need some extra help so Ill be stopping by there on monday.
It was too late for Johnny to go running so he decided to do his Yoga for Athletes video. Which ended up with us watching it, sitting on the couch, eating what a workout!
All 'n all it was a good day!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Man, I Love my Kid!!
Madison cracks me up constantly! She keeps going around saying,"I want milk but not peanut butter milk." I had no idea what she was talking about and then Johnny told me she was talking about the buttermilk I had gotten for the dumplings. She thinks its peanut butter milk! Also today Madison was upset that Cole had to go to school so Johnny told her they could have school time. Her response, "Im sick then." Oh great, she already doesn't like school! Not only that but now what we ask her to do something she says,"" and then walks away. Then yesterday she wanted something and I told her to hold on because I was doing something and she started counting to 3 like I do with her! She can be sweet too. Shes always offering food to Cole and inviting him to do things with her. Shes just so incredibly beautiful and sweet. I love when she says "O' Otay" and "thats amasing." Kids really say the darndest things! Thinking about how funny Madison is today really made me thing of her little friend Benny. I miss him! He really cracks me up!! I still cant turn on an oven without hearing his little voice saying,"It buurn you, it KIIILL you!" or "I have idea." Uh oh am I getting baby fever again??? Dont freak out Lynne, haha it wont be happening anytime soon, we are smarter than that!!
I also really think having Cole around is really good for Madison. He talks to her exactly how he would talk to anyone else and amazingly she really seems to understand most of what hes saying to her. Her talking has really stepped up a couple notches and I think it has a lot to do with Cole. Its really good for her to have someone to play with and hang out with all the time.
Another night of American Idol and I have to be honest...I wish David tried out!!!

Another night of American Idol and I have to be honest...I wish David tried out!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our Room

For some crazy reason Johnny and I woke up before 5 this morning. Johnny started filling out more applications we had picked up while I tried to stay warm. At 7:45 I took Cole to school and saw that it was 27 degrees! It was soooooo cold!!! We finally got our room unpacked and cleaned up (and by "we" I mean Johnny). I did all the laundry though. Then Johnny and Madison colored pictures to put on the door. Its so nice to have the room unpacked!!
Tomorrow we might drive to Hobbs to put in a couple more resumes to the mine offices. My mom was saying that Johnny could get a temp job working at Brewers. Its a gas station store. My mom knows the owner and has been talking to him and he said he could use some help. It doesnt pay very much but more than nothing. Johnny has to talk to the guy still so we will see. The xmas money is running out though so we need to find something!

Monday, January 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Johnny!!

There were a few more job listings in this weeks paper. We sent his resume to a cable company that is hiring people to install cable. One of the qualifications is the ability to climb or be able to learn to climb, haha, I think he has a good chance for that. He also could apply to be a cop and then get certified through the city but he said he would never want to be a cop. He could do the same thing for fire fighting, Im trying to talk him into it....I think he would be really good at that and a long time ago he told me that he wanted to be a fire fighter at Disneyland so he could spend the night there. Not to mention, Fire fighters are hot! hahaha!!! Or he could stick with the cable company...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Missing Sunday Bday Dinner
This morning Johnny and I decided to run/bike together. He mapped out a 3 mile loop and he was going to run and I would ride my mom's bike. First we had to take off the baby seat we had attempted to put on the bike. When I attempted to ride it we realized the tires were flat. We got out the pump and after 10 minutes of pretending we were getting somewhere we realized that the tire must have a hole in it. So Johnny ran and I stayed home.

Then I ran out to get a few last minute things for Johnny's birthday tomorrow. I kept thinking that we should have a special dinner tonight since that is what we usually do but then I realized I would still have to make tomorrow special too.

We watched the Chargers game, Johnny for the Steelers and my Mom for the Chargers. It cracks me up because my mom cheers like she is at the stadium, VERY LOUDLY! Then theres Johnny who barely whispers, "Go, Go, Go" Its like hes afraid my mom is going to beat him up for cheering for the opposite side. We painted Cole's face in Steeler colors and had him run out yelling,"Go Steelers!"
Johnny had a bad headache so we ended up not going to church. We watched Dan in Real Life and then headed to bed.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Busy Bees

First thing we did this morning was get dressed and go to project playground. Mom had to work all night so we wanted to get the kids out so she could sleep. It was 45 degrees out so we only stayed at the park for maybe 20 minutes.
We decided to drive around and explore. We found some really nice houses by the Zoo. They were HUGE! Its so crazy because every house in the entire neighborhood was different! I dont think there is a house in the entire city that is the same as another house.
While driving around we decided to check out the mall. Talk about another culture shock! There were maybe 20 cars in the parking lot when we drove up and I think at least half of those were employees! The mall was really quiet and only had maybe 10 stores. Theres a Sears, Claires, GNC, arcade, nail salon, hair salon, and a couple other stores. Definitely not the cool hangout in town.
We also have discovered that there are no kids here! I mean I know there are but we cant figure out what kids do in this town! Its so small and theres nothing here, its interesting to think of what they do for fun.
We spent the night finishing up season 2 of Big Love in preparation for the start of season 3. As well as watching a bunch of movies.
We decided to drive around and explore. We found some really nice houses by the Zoo. They were HUGE! Its so crazy because every house in the entire neighborhood was different! I dont think there is a house in the entire city that is the same as another house.
While driving around we decided to check out the mall. Talk about another culture shock! There were maybe 20 cars in the parking lot when we drove up and I think at least half of those were employees! The mall was really quiet and only had maybe 10 stores. Theres a Sears, Claires, GNC, arcade, nail salon, hair salon, and a couple other stores. Definitely not the cool hangout in town.
We also have discovered that there are no kids here! I mean I know there are but we cant figure out what kids do in this town! Its so small and theres nothing here, its interesting to think of what they do for fun.
We spent the night finishing up season 2 of Big Love in preparation for the start of season 3. As well as watching a bunch of movies.
Friday, January 9, 2009
We're Boring

Today was pretty low key once again. We spent the morning cleaning up so my mom wouldnt freak out when she came home. We got our tip money from the route, sent by Bruce and Lynne (Thank you!). Along with checks and cash we got gift cards to 7-11, Target and Regal movie tickets, all of which we do not have in Carlsbad! I thought that was pretty funny, all three giftcards we cant use. Oh well another reason for a trip back to Cali! haha!
Johnny has been putting in school time for Maddy everyday. They do flashcards, build legos, practice counting and planty more. Shes so smart,
I really want to get her into a daycare. I know she'll do really well. Once Johnny has found a job then Ill start looking for daycare and a job for myself. We also decided that if he isnt working by thursday then Ill start handing out my resume to the dental offices in town.

We decided to take a trip to check out Hastings. Its a movie, book, music, video game and rental store all in one. We got a couple cheap movies and some new books for Maddy. They have a lot of
really cheap used movies so that may be my new movie stop.

Johnny and I also played electronic banking Monopoly. I like that so much more than regular Monopoly! It makes the super long game a little shorter. We still gave up before anyone really won, but unofficially I won!
Now we are watching Dumb and Dumber... Johnnys movie pick....
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Interview
Today was the big interview. Johnny was pretty nervous but it really hit him when he walked into the interview room and three men were waiting to interview him. He said they basically went over the application with him, asking if he was afraid of going underground or heights. He thinks it went pretty well and the only setback is his lack of experience. They said they have more people to interview and would call him when they were finished. Johnny said there was at least 3 other people in the waiting room waiting to get interviewed. So keep your fingers crossed for us!
That was pretty much all we did today. My mom is still up at Pueblo watching my brother wrestle. He lost both days and is really grumpy from starving himself to make weight, so its probably best that I didn't end up going up there. My mom is trying to talk him into going up a weight class so he wont be so miserable. Starving himself is not going to help him win any matches!
Tomorrow we need to get everything cleaned up from our no mom days and hope for that phone call!
That was pretty much all we did today. My mom is still up at Pueblo watching my brother wrestle. He lost both days and is really grumpy from starving himself to make weight, so its probably best that I didn't end up going up there. My mom is trying to talk him into going up a weight class so he wont be so miserable. Starving himself is not going to help him win any matches!
Tomorrow we need to get everything cleaned up from our no mom days and hope for that phone call!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Long Day
Last night I didnt sleep very well because I kept debating whether or not to go to Pueblo with my mom. I knew if I stayed home the boys would be goofing off and playing video games which would leave me bored. On the other hand if I went I wouldnt be here to help get Johnny ready for his interview. In the end I decided to stay.
I got up at 7 this morning and had coffee with my mom. I woke up Cole and then walked him to school. Its nice that his new school is so close. It took me less then 15 minutes to walk there and back. Then I got Johnny up and we took a trip to storage to drop off some more boxes we have been slacking on getting there.
We spent the rest of the day hanging out and cleaning up a little. Johnny picked up Cole from school and took him to tutoring. We had dinner and then got ready for bed. It feels like I've done so much today but looking back I really didnt. Tomorrow is Johnny's interview so wish us luck!
I got up at 7 this morning and had coffee with my mom. I woke up Cole and then walked him to school. Its nice that his new school is so close. It took me less then 15 minutes to walk there and back. Then I got Johnny up and we took a trip to storage to drop off some more boxes we have been slacking on getting there.
We spent the rest of the day hanging out and cleaning up a little. Johnny picked up Cole from school and took him to tutoring. We had dinner and then got ready for bed. It feels like I've done so much today but looking back I really didnt. Tomorrow is Johnny's interview so wish us luck!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
No Good, Very Bad Day!

Tomorrow I might drive up to see my bro wrestle. Im not sure though because I dont want to leave Johnny alone with the kids for 2 days but hes really excited about it. For some crazy reason he thinks it will be fun. Ill decide tomorrow probably last minute.....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Hooray for an Interview!!
Johnny's phone died last night and he didnt realize until late today. When he plugged it in, there was a message from West Services wanting to schedual an interview. This company is a lot like labor ready. People come there looking for work and they send them out where needed. This company works directly with the potash mines only. Johnny also had given a resume to the company that works with the oil fields and that is where he would prefer to work. Tomorrow we are going to go around to a few more companies and give them resumes and see what they have to say before Johnny scheduals the interview. The mines would be temporary work and while that is better than nothing we want to make it a last resort. So we will see what tomorrow brings us.
Today it was SOOOOOOOO COLD!!! It was supposed to snow. It was 30 degrees but no snow. Its supposed to be cold all week so we are still hoping to see some. We tried to stay inside warm all day but Madison is getting used to going outside everyday ao we had to wander out into the cold. They rode bikes and jumped on the trampoline and then we ran inside because it was way too cold!
Tomorrow we once again start the job hunt and will atleast have a interview if not a job!!! Wish us luck!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Velvet Covered Brick

Once again we were lame-os all day long. Johnny played video games with Cole, took a few pictures and helped me clean up before my mom came home from work. I watched Monster in Law and fed everyone. It wasn't until I was serving everyone dinner when I started to think about what I was going to write tonight in my blog...I had nothing!
We were planning to go to church and that was what I was planning to write about but we missed both services this morning. Then I remembered there was a service at 7 that we would still be able to make.
Before we left for New Mexico we told Lynne she could pick out the church we would try out because we know how much she wanted us to attend. She picked First Baptist Church so that is where we headed at 6:45.
When we walked in we saw that we were the youngest ones there, with a little chuckle we headed to the pews. We didn't even sit in the very back! First the Pastor, Ed Meyers, came and introduced himself to us. Since it only took about a 1 1/2 minutes to get there we were very early! Then Tom came and introduced himself to us and sat down to explain the goings on. There are 3 different services: 8:15 is the contemporary service where they have the electric guitars and drums, 10:45 is the traditional service and then 7 pm is the service people go to that aren't very serious about coming every Sunday or are new to town. So I guess we picked the right service hah!
It started pretty much like every Sunday service I have ever been to started. Singing, prayer, more singing and then the main message. The pastor wasn't the best but we soon discovered that the church is looking for a new one so we don't know if he was a sub, try out or the old pastor. Everyone there was really nice so we will probably go a few more time before we decide to give up and find another church.
My mom keeps hearing about a Methodist church that is supposed to have a wonderful daycare so maybe we will look into their services as well. I don't really understand the difference between all the different names; Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran...??? David? Bethany? Lynne, want to fill me in?? hah, oh well.
So before I leave I guess I should explain my title. Tonight Pastor Ed talked about yielding to each other and one of his examples through the message was that to be a leader you have to be a brick, strong and stable...but to get things to work out with everyone you also should be covered with velvet because some people need a softer touch. I just thought that was kinda funny...Velvet Bricks, Ha!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Liar, Liar!

The best part of my day happened this afternoon. This morning Johnny found a how to break dance video my mom had bought my brother. We laughed and I thought nothing more of it. When I left to give Madison a bath and came back I caught Johnny watching the video, trying to break dance. That is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen!!

We spent the rest of the night watching the Chargers game...Yay Chargers!!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Firsts for the New Year
Today I made my first casserole from leftover ham. I feel like such an adult recycling food into other meals! I cant believe how much this move has made me feel like a grown up! First we picked up the Uhaul and packed most of our stuff in it with only the help of my brother. We cheated on day two when Bruce came to help, but still. Then we drove two days, checking into a hotel on our own, and arriving at our new home. We also got our first storage unit and unloaded the truck by ourselves. That was a big reason we came out here, to grow up! We depended on Johnny's parents for so much and although we loved and appreciated it, it was time we both became responsible adults. Im glad at least one thing is going well for us out here but I guess real adults have jobs...hahaha...soon I hope!
Madison also put together her first puzzle. Its so cute how proud she gets with the simple,"Wow, Maddy, thats so good!" response. She has been sleeping in her own bed for the past 3 nights now but wakes up in the early morning crying for us. Which usually leads to me passing out to her crying before she finally falls back asleep in our bed. At least we have most the night, one day we will have the entire night Maddy free, but secretly I miss snuggling her when shes in her own bed. Last night was cute though, for the first time she didnt wake up crying. She just said,"Daddy...Madison sleep in mommy daddy bed....Pweeeze."

Cole is staying the night at his friends house tonight and my mom is going to bed early because she has to work tomorrow. Hope your night is more exciting then mine!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
At midnight I sent out a mass text to all my friends to wish them happy new year and was responded with a happy new year from them an hour later. It was a little weird to not be celebrating new years with my friends now that I am in a different time zone. Midnight was crazy! So many fireworks going off from every backyard but ours! Johnny and Cole ran from the front windows to the back a bazillion times trying to get a good look. We were too chicken to go outside with all the crazies and their firepower.
Ok so today wasn't as huge a waste as I thought it would be. We woke up and decided to take a drive around town so Johnny could get pictures of all the run down places. He keeps telling me what a shock it is to see these places. Business' run out of houses and so many abandoned old buildings. We just drove around and Johnny would yell, "wait pull over," and he would jump out and take another pic. When the kids were getting restless, I dropped them all off at their favorite park on the Pecos so I could run a couple errands.
My mom made a really good ham for dinner and we spent the rest of the night playing games and bathing kids. It seems we are taking over the parent role for Cole. We don't mind, he really needs it and he loves having Johnny around!
Tomorrow my mom has to go back to work, vacation is over and its back to the real world.
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