Sunday, July 5, 2009
Time Off...
This week however the office is closed so I get a little vacation. Madison is going to go to preschool in the mornings and then we will have tim etogether in the afternoons. Originally I planned to take it easy, just relax and have some me time but now it looks like Im crazy busy!! The front office girls are going to Soak City water park tomorrow and have pretty much talked me into going. I havent been to a water park since I was in 5th grade!
Tuesday we are going to the beach with our really good friends and old neighbors. We always have a blast hanging out with them. We used to go to the beach a lot with them too so I know its going to be a lot of fun. It might also be my only chance to go this summer so Im very excited!
Wednesday I might actually take it easy. I have a couple old friends Ive been trying to get together with so that might be the day to do it.
Thursday I have to go into the office to be trained for bleaching teeth. I dont get paid but I do get my teeth whitened. Im a little nervous only because so many people tell me its painful and Im a big chicken!! After that I might try to take Madison to sea world or something fun like that.
Friday I have to get my jewlery fixed and possibly groceries and the usual friday funness.
I might also go bug Bethany and Delaney at somepoint during the week.
Man I cant believe the week is aready over now! haha Sounds like a busy week but Im excited.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Im working in a dental office in poway for one of the coolest Drs Ive ever met! Shes so down to earth and never looses her cool, its very easy to work there! We are currently living with Johnnys parents which has been working out nicely. I miss having our own place but for now it is great. Johnny is working at walmart as a cashier, hes still figuring out what he wants to do.
Madison turned 3 last week. I cant believe how big shes getting and how fast its happening!! I really love being able to talk with her and finally have a taste of what her little mind is thinking! I still have bits of baby fever but have been way to busy to really think about that so thats good. There are so many things that need to happen before we have # 2! It does make it hard though when all our friends that have kids maddys age have # 2 and even # 3. Oh well, we have plenty of time for all that.
Right now everything is really good. Johnny and I are happier than we have been in a while and its nice to have that back!
Well sorry I havent written in a while and I dont know if anyone besides David (since hes my only follower!) will read this hahah but I will try my best to write again!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Stay at Home Days are Gone...
I was really nervous about finding work but today I had some really great news! My friend has been working at an office for a while and told me forever ago that I needed to come back because they were going to be hiring. She told me that they wanted to interview me and probably start on the 18th. Sounded good to me, but I hate interviews!!
Today she told me that the Dr. fed up with an assistant so badly today that she fired her so this week things are going to be crazy. She told me to just show up in scrubs ready to work on monday! So no interview!!! Im not officially hired, its more of a fill in/working interview so at least I have work for a day!! If things go well they will hire me on and the Dr. was saying that as long as I can xray and suck spit there shouldnt be a problem! Very happy to not have to stress about that now!!
Poor Johnny has to unload the truck by himself though until I get off work....Anyone want to help? haha!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stressin It Up!
Im sure everything will work out, I just cant help stressing about it!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Dash for Trash

We stood in line to register them and someone from the race a couple weeks ago recognized Johnny and was asking if he was going to

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
2 More Weeks!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Best Day!
I realized that back in CA I never really did anything fun with just the two of us. We always had friends or Johnny come along. There isn't that much to do here and we go to the park a lot so I decided we should go to the Living Desert State Park and Zoo. Its a tiny little place but its only $5! Its nice because its one loop around the park so it is easy to see everything. We started off looking at the birds, then pigs, and their black bear. My favorite are the wolves. They are always so active running around their exhibit. Then we saw the snakes and prairie dogs, deer and bison and ended at the wild cats. That is also really cool! There was a mountain lion laying out on the rocks like 10 ft away. The bobcat was hiding in the shade but still really easy to find. We went through the exhibits and I would ask her what noises they make or "whats that?" It really was a wonderful Mommy Daughter trip! When we were done we got lunch and were about to head to the park but my mom needed us to pick up Cole.
Johnny was off at 4 so then we headed to get him. Madison fell asleep in the car so when we got home, we took advantage and cleaned and packed up. We got most of our clothes and shoes we don't wear packed up, so now we are pretty much done.
After Madison woke up Johnny wanted to go run so Maddy and I biked along with him. Its really fun to get out and exercise together! Johnny's foot was hurting him so we switched but now Madison wanted to run with me. Johnny stayed on the bike in case she got tired but she ran almost a half mile with only a couple stops for water or curiosity. Johnny was really impressed and excited to see her love to run. He couldn't believe how easy it was for her to run the entire way and didn't even seem to be out of breath. We might take her to the track and see how long she can go.
Even though it was about 6:30 when we were done it was so hot we decided to go swimming. Madison was a little timid at first. She stayed on the float and would tell me what animal to pretend to be. After being a dolphin, dog, frog and splashing her as Shamu, I talked her into getting into the water. I had her kick and blow bubbles and then she hung out on my back while I swam around telling me to be flounder but not to go under the sea. It was getting cold so we were getting ready to get out when she says,"Momma, wait. I want to go under the sea now" So I showed her how to hold her breath and I plugged her nose and we went under really quick. She came up with a big smile on her face and was so proud of herself! Looks like Johnny and I will be competing over swimming and running!
It was a really really great family day. As much as we enjoy Cole, it was really nice to have a day with just the 3 of us.
Monday, April 13, 2009
That changed completely on June 11, 2006. How can you not believe in God when you witness the incredible miracle of life?! I began to crave a stronger relationship with Him. Johnny's hardest days of work were on Sundays and I wasn't ready to go to church by myself even thought the thought crossed my mind many times. I am really looking forward to going back to Escondido and having normal lives so we can start going to church. I really want Madison to grow up going to church, I think a healthy relationship with God is a wonderful thing.
I sat thinking about this a lot yesterday and laughed at myself in my earlier days praying for some boy to like me or to help me find the homework I lost. I realized how I have changed so much in that department as well and I hadn't even realized it. Now I find myself praying for strength to overcome things or patience or guidance. I feel so ridiculous for what I used to beg for! I hope that means I am becoming more mature and will help me understand Him better as I try to grow closer.
Anyways this Easter the Easter bunny came but I also made a point to read Madison stories from the Children's Bible. I also made my first ham by myself and it turned out really great!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Ocotillo Trail Challenge

Friday, April 10, 2009
Now that Im in this middle of now where town I wasnt sure if it would be playing here today. There is one movie theater in town that only has three screens in it and then a drive in that also has three screens. I checked Fandango but they didnt even have the theater listed!! So while I was out running errands I decided to drive by the theater and see if it was playing. Sure enough it was so I drove home and talked my mom into going to the 7:10 showing.
Come 6:40 I was freaking out to my mom. "We got to go, we got to go!!" She assured me that it was only a 5 minute drive there and it wouldnt be busy. Obviously my mother didnt realize how popular Hannah Montana was and that this was opening night! There was no way we were going to get good seats!!! We get our tickets and my mom waited in line for snacks and told me to go save some seats. I hurry to theater 2 and walk in to find that I was the only one there! I could help but bust up laughing. So I picked out perfect seats and was alone for about five minutes before people started coming in to join me. Beside the fact that it was a tiny movie theater, it was also ancient seating!! NO STADIUM SEATING!!! I cant believe people still have that!!
The movie stated a good 20 minutes late with only about 20 people there to watch. I guess my mom was right! I did find it pretty interesting to see that the ushers came in a lot through out the movie and would ask people to quiet down or put their feet down. Could you imagine how many people they would need to do that back in San Diego? There definitely wouldnt be a job shortage! They also had signs all over saying that if caught on the phone or texting at all in the auditorium more than once you would be kicked out. I cant remember the last time I went to a movie and didnt see the glow of someones phone!
The movie was actually really good. My kind of movie, lots of country and horses. Man Im a dork but tonight Im definitely wishing I was in Tennessee!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cole's Birthday
When he went to go to bed Johnny looked like he was going to go try and scare him but decided not to in case he scared my mom when she went to tuck him in. I couldnt help it, I had to do it! So when he went to tell my mom to tuck him in I ran in to hide under his bed, its a bunk bed so its not too difficult to get under because there isnt a bed underneath the top one. I figured he would probably see me right away but luckily he didnt. My mom came in to tuck him in but spotted me, luckily she didnt tell him. As she was leaving Cole called her a big fat monster and she told him to watch out talking to people like that. PERFECT! So after she turned off his light of course he went and turned it back on so I had to quietly text Johnny to turn them back off.
As soon as the lights were off I knew I had to move fast before he turned them back on again so I grabbed his comforter and yanked it off of him! I have never heard someone scream so loud or high pitched. I yelled the Birthday Goblin strikes again before I turned his lights back on. I feel bad but just couldnt help it. Needless to say his lights are staying on tonight and I am well aware that I am evil!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Best Birthday Party Eber!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Forever Ago!!!!
I was looking through old pictures and videos on my moms computer and found a few videos of Madison from last year when we came to visit for my spring break. I cant believe how little she looks!!!! SHES GETTING SO BIG!!!! I miss my little baby girl!
Johnny has been working 7 - 4 lately and Cole is on spring break so it has been a pretty boring week now that Kellen is gone. Not to mention its been really cold so we cant even go swimming! We are currently watching Bolt for the 6th time.
Johnny and I also have a move back date. We should be back in California on May 10! My bbf is flying out here on the 7th and then driving back with us. Its going to be so much fun!! Not to mention I dont have to deal with Kellen's farting and stinky feet! There are so many things I want to do once we are settled in CA!!! Sea World and Disneyland are at the top of my list! I cant believe we thought we could survive without Disneyland!! Anyway back to my Disney movie...
Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Uncle Mark!!
Today is Marks Birthday, well yesterday was for him since hes in Italy. So sad we dont get to visit him while hes there! Oh well, someday I'll go! Anyways Happy Birthday Mark!!
Kellen's Spring Break

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wishing I was at Davids House Today!!
It was a long hard day (well afternoon) of work and we are only maybe half way done. Tomorrow we are going to take Cole to teh batting cages and then go to the beach before working on the yard again.
Kellen got me the Twilight mdvd for my birthday so Im very happy about that!!! I was going to go to the midnight release party but we went to check it out at 10 and there were a bunch of little middle school girls giggling about how hot Edward is. I decided it wasnt worth it so I went home to bed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Days Off are Good for Everyone!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
All Better
It rained yesterday which was really weird. That is the one and only time we have witnessed rain since we have moved here. Oh wait there was one other time and it had actually hailed, but still 2 days in 3 months!
Nothing else really new...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Not so Great Day!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Very Great Awesome Day!
Most of the morning went to preparing for my interview at 1. I got there and the nurse informed me that she hadn't seen David (the guy who would be interviewing me) all day and he had already missed an earlier interview. So I went to wait. Luckily he remembered my interview.
It went really well, he asked me a few questions but we mostly talked about the position. He told me that he was going to recommend me to HR and then they would be the ones to make the official job offer. So I take it that means the interview went well.
Great news right? Well...the huge downside is its a 12 hour night shift and the pay isn't the greatest. Johnny really doesn't want me to take it because he likes me staying home with Madison, which I agree with but I want to help contribute. The other huge thing is that Johnny wants to move back to Cali by June so what the point in me working and then having to leave? So I told him to find out if he can transfer to CA sooner than later because there are 2 offices that are hiring right now that I would be able to get. So hes going to find out tomorrow and then I have to get back to David on Friday. Ugh..Decisions!!
After the interview I headed home to start the birthday preparations. I decided to make bbq chicken, potato salad, and a cake from scratch. We cleaned and cooked for the rest of the day. Then had a really nice sit down dinner, which we almost never had. We watched American Idol and then Johnny and I watched Nick and Norahs Infinite Play List.
All in all it was a really great day!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Unexpected Surprise
Derby Day

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Missing Cali Already!
The drive back seemed to take way longer! Madison did really well in the car so that was nice. She would either watch movies, sing or look out the windows. Shes such a good kid! She went the entire trip to Disneyland and back to NM without a diaper. I cant believe shes potty trained, when did that happen?!
All in all it was a great trip back. We saw most of the people we wanted to see. I wish we had more time to see the Haros and Sandy, hopefully next time! Only 3 more months!!
Happy Birthday to Me!

Hello California!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Welcome to the Twilight Zone
The grass is yellow during the winter but some people spray paint their yards green
The main street is 25 mph as it goes through town
There are only 3 screens in the movie theater and it isnt stadium seating!
Admission to the Zoo is $5 for 6+ years old and free for those under 6
The high school here was supposed to be in Carlsbad, CA. Someone sent the plans to this Carlsbad on mistake and they built the school here. Its such a nice school too!
The only thing to do here is go to the movies, bowling, and camping and yet there is no where near as much graffiti or vandalism as there is in San Diego.
I found a handful of houses that are for sale for less than $40,000
The stop lights are sideways and green arrows go to full green so you never have to stop and wait to turn left, you just have to yield (unless its red of course)
There are way too many people here that dont know how to use computers, I guess thats the norm in small towns
Construction only delays you maybe 2 minutes
There are a bunch of abandoned buildings everywhere, it almost makes me feel like we are in Radiator Springs
It is perfectly acceptable to go around town, running errands in your pajamas
Theres probably a million more things I have yet to discover!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Go Thunderwolves!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!