The start was up at the Living Desert Zoo and went down onto the city streets. It was way different from the races Johnny ran in CA. They block off roads and have so many people that come out to cheer and run. Here they were lectured over and over about watching out for traffic and there was no one out watching, Im not
sure many people even knew about the race.

As soon as the guy blew the whistle to start the race (no guns here either) Johnny took off to lead the pack. He had been running this course to get ready for a few weeks so he knew his limits. I took Cole and Madison down to the halfway point to try and get another look at him before he crossed the finish.

At the halfway point you would have no idea there was a race going on. I stood waiting in the High School parking lot for about 10 minutes and finally saw Johnny running up the street. We yelled good job and our love yous and headed back to the finish. There was no one in site, Johnny was in the lead by at least a mile!
We waited at the finish for another 15 minutes or so and saw him
again. We were all very excited as he turned the corner to take first place!! Because both the 2 and 5 mile race were at the same time no one really realized he was the first to finish for the 5 mile. There definitely wasnt the cheering crowd hes used to at all the other races. Johnny cooled down and a few people came to congratulate him and comment on his speed. It was at least 10 minutes before any other 5 milers crossed the finish. About 30 minutes later everyone headed into the zoo to have lunch and wait for the awards. The top 2 runners (boy and girl) from both races got deer trophies. All the runners got a tshirt, admission to the zoo and lunch. It was a really fun morning and we are very proud of Johnny!!!

WOW! A DEER Trophy!!!!!